Winners of 2008 Prairie Design Awards

Award of Excellence

Category: Student Work

Ghost Dance Memorial Pavilion
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Entrant: Catherine White

Studio Critic: Herb Enns

Photographer: Catherine White

The Project

The Ghost Dance Memorial Pavilion is a project to commemorate the people of the Great Plains. It traces the remaining spirit and memory of the Sioux First Nation , their tribal ghost dance, and the events of the wounded knee Massacre of 1890. The pavilion dances in the wind and plays in the sunlight. It is the Sioux dancing with the prairie, brought to life again by wind and movement.

Jury Comments

This project is as poetic as it is profound. It is very fluid in its relationship to the landscape, environment, and cultural context. This is a sacred space / place that is achieved primarily with light, wind, and fabric. It is immersive and evocative, providing participants with the sense of mystery and of discovery of one self and the ‘other'. The structure is purposefully minimal. It has great scale in the Miesian sense. The project's simplicity is also its abiding strength.


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