Honourary Members

Council may admit as an Honourary Member any person who has, in the opinion of Council, contributed significantly to the advancement of the profession in design, construction, literature or education.


Honourary Members are entitled to:

  • Attend the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings, except those designated by vote as open to Registered Members only.
  • Receive the MAA electronic bulletin and other correspondence to the membership from the MAA.

Honourary Members are not required to pay any annual dues or levies.


Nomination for Honourary Membership must be submitted in writing to Council and signed by a minimum of five (5) Registered Members (consent of the nominee is not required). The nomination must be accompanied by a biographical outline of the nominee, including a statement of the nominee's contributions to the profession.

Election of Honourary Members is by a four-fifths majority of MAA Registered Members in attendance at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting.